Hypofunction of left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in depression during verbal fluency task: A multi-channel near-infrared spectroscopy study.


BACKGROUND:Previous functional neuroimaging studies of depression have demonstrated frontotemporal dysfunction, including the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, while patients perform working memory and language comprehension tasks. Recent near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) studies have shown frontotemporal hypofunction in depression by verbal fluency task, but the regions of impairment affecting respective depressive symptoms still remain unclear. We investigated frontotemporal function during word production task in depression with multi-channel NIRS. Further, we aimed to clarify whether any depressive symptoms affect frontotemporal dysfunction. METHODS:One hundred seventy-seven major depressive patients and 50 healthy control volunteers participated in this study. Their cerebral activations were compared during verbal fluency task. RESULTS:Although performance was not significantly different, hypoactivation in the bilateral frontotemporal regions was significantly observed in depressed patients, compared with controls. Left lateral frontotemporal activation was significantly reduced in the group with mandatory symptom, which is depressed mood, or loss of interest or pleasure, compared with the group that still has residual depressive symptoms in spite MDD having been remitted. LIMITATION:the MDD group had significantly higher age and education level than the controls. Conclusions Our findings indicate hypofunction of the bilateral frontotemporal regions in depression during verbal fluency task. Further, hypofunction of these regions in the left hemisphere by this task could reflect whether the subjects recovered from depressed mood, or loss of interest or pleasure.


J Affect Disord


Akiyama T,Koeda M,Okubo Y,Kimura M




Has Abstract


2018-04-15 00:00:00












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