Minor women obtaining abortions: a study of parental notification in a metropolitan area.


:Data were collected from 141 women under age 18 attending an abortion clinic that did not require parental notification. Most of them informed their girl friend but not their parents of the plans for abortion. Younger minors and those who perceive their parents to hold positive attitudes toward abortion were more apt to inform parents. Reasons for not informing parents included fears of physical retaliation. Implications for parental notification legislation are discussed. :A study is reported which examines reasons 141 minors chose not to notify parents of a planned abortion. Results showed that while 37% of the minors informed their mothers, and 26% their fathers, 71% informed their best girl friends. Concern for parents' feelings and a fear of negative consequences (such as physical punishment or retaliation) were the reasons most frequently given for not informing parents. Implications for legislation requiring parental notification are discussed.


Am J Public Health


Clary F




Has Abstract


1982-03-01 00:00:00












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