Effect of dexmedetomidine, a selective and potent alpha 2-agonist, on cerebral blood flow and oxygen consumption during halothane anesthesia in dogs.


:The effect of the alpha 2-agonist dexmedetomidine on the cerebral blood flow (CBF) and the metabolic rate for oxygen was studied by a sagittal sinus outflow technique in dogs during halothane anesthesia. Dexmedetomidine was given in a dose (10 micrograms/kg) reported to reduce the anesthetic requirement of halothane by 90%. During 0.9% halothane anesthesia dexmedetomidine caused a significant reduction in CBF without influencing the metabolic rate for oxygen. Reducing the halothane concentration to 0.1% caused no further change in CBF, but increased the metabolic rate for oxygen 19%. The cerebral vasoconstrictive effect, combined with the 90% reduction in MAC for halothane, indicates that dexmedetomidine might be a useful adjunct to inhalation anesthetics during neurosurgery in situations where an increase in CBF should be avoided.


Anesth Analg


Anesthesia and analgesia


Karlsson BR,Forsman M,Roald OK,Heier MS,Steen PA




Has Abstract


1990-08-01 00:00:00












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