Growth of Trichosporon cutaneum under oxygen limitation: kinetics of oxygen uptake.


:The relationship between oxygen concentration and growth rate in the yeast Trichosporon cutaneum was studied. In order to establish the conditions for purely oxygen-limited growth, the cells were first grown in a carbon-limited chemostat, and kinetic parameters determined. The cells were then grown in an oxygen-limited chemostat at different dilution rates yielding different oxygen uptake rates. The steady-state dissolved oxygen tension was found at each dilution rate and the corresponding equilibrium dissolved oxygen tension was found at each dilution rate and the corresponding equilibrium dissolved oxygen concentration determined in the effluent medium. The relationship between oxygen concentration and growth rate followed Monod-type kinetics with an apparent K(O) of 4.38 x 10(-6)M.


Biotechnol Bioeng


Käppeli O,Fiechter A




Has Abstract


1982-11-01 00:00:00












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