Kruppel-like factor 5 modulates p53-independent apoptosis through Pim1 survival kinase in cancer cells.


:Although Kruppel-like factor 5 (KLF5) is a transcription factor that has been implicated in pathways critical to carcinogenesis, controversy persists as to whether it functions as a tumor suppressor or as an oncogene. Here, we describe a novel role for KLF5 in a p53-independent apoptotic pathway. Using RNA-interference technology, we show that cells deficient in KLF5 have increased sensitivity to DNA damage, regardless of p53 status. Both p53 and p53-dependent factors are unaffected by KLF5 depletion. Instead, the apoptotic phenotype consequent to damage is associated with reduced bad phosphorylation, and downregulation of Pim1. Consistently, transfection of wild-type Pim1 is sufficient to rescue this phenotype. Previous data have shown a number of putative Sp1-binding consensus sequences on the Pim1 promoter. Remarkably, chromatin immunoprecipitation studies show that KLF5 binds to the Pim1 promoter, and that binding increases soon after damage. These results identify a novel, p53-independent apoptotic pathway through which KLF5 functions in response to DNA damage. Therapeutic deregulation of this pathway could be used to modulate chemosensitivity.






Zhao Y,Hamza MS,Leong HS,Lim CB,Pan YF,Cheung E,Soo KC,Iyer NG




Has Abstract


2008-01-03 00:00:00
















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