Psychopathology and sexual trauma in childhood and adulthood.


:This study evaluates the occurrence of psychopathology among 97 women who (1) experienced sexual abuse in childhood only, (2) were raped in adulthood only, (3) experienced both childhood sexual abuse and rape in adulthood, or (4) experienced no sexual trauma. Women were recruited from advertisements and assessed using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID-I/P) and the Modified PTSD Symptom Scale Self-Report. Women who reported sexual trauma were significantly more likely to exhibit psychopathology than controls. Being sexually victimized in childhood and raped in adulthood was associated with a particular risk for substance dependence.


J Trauma Stress


Thompson KM,Crosby RD,Wonderlich SA,Mitchell JE,Redlin J,Demuth G,Smyth J,Haseltine B




Has Abstract


2003-02-01 00:00:00












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