The application of computerized content analysis of speech to the diagnostic process in a psychiatric outpatient clinic.


:Twenty-five new psychiatric outpatient were clinically evaluated and were routinely administered a brief psychological screening battery which included measures of symptoms, personality, and cognitive function. Included in this assessment procedure were the Gottschalk-Gleser Content Analysis Scales on which scores were derived from five-minute speech samples by means of an artificial intelligence-based computer program. Intercorrelations of these content analysis measures with scores obtained from the MMPI-2, SCL90, and other measures confirmed previously published construct validation findings. The use of this computerized content analysis procedure for initial, rapid diagnostic neuropsychiatric appraisal is supported by this research.


J Clin Psychol


Gottschalk LA,Stein MK,Shapiro DH




Has Abstract


1997-08-01 00:00:00














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