Toward a molecular genetic analysis of spermatogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster: characterization of male-sterile mutants generated by single P element mutagenesis.


:We describe 83 recessive autosomal male-sterile mutations, generated by single P element mutagenesis in Drosophila melanogaster. Each mutation has been localized to a lettered subdivision of the polytene map. Reversion analyses, as well as complementation tests using available chromosomal deficiencies, indicate that the insertions are responsible for the mutant phenotypes. These mutations represent 63 complementation groups, 58 of which are required for spermatogenesis. Phenotypes of the spermatogenesis mutants were analyzed by light microscopy. Mutations in 12 loci affect germline proliferation, spermatocyte growth, or meiosis. Mutations in 46 other loci disrupt differentiation and maturation of spermatids into motile sperm. This collection of male-sterile mutants provides the basis for a molecular genetic analysis of spermatogenesis.






Castrillon DH,Gönczy P,Alexander S,Rawson R,Eberhart CG,Viswanathan S,DiNardo S,Wasserman SA


Has Abstract


1993-10-01 00:00:00














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