Inspiratory on-switch evoked by stimulation of the mesencephalon: activity of phrenic and laryngeal motoneurones.


:In anaesthetized cats (chloralose-urethan) the effects of brief tetanic electrical stimulation (50 to 100 ms) of the mesencephalic central gray matter and reticular formation on the inspiratory on-switch were studied during the expiratory (E) phase on the gross and unitary activities of phrenic, laryngeal inspiratory and laryngeal expiratory nerves. On the inspiratory laryngeal and phrenic nerves, stimulation elicited a short latency gross response concomitant with the train: the inspiratory Primary Response (Prim.R.) which is followed by an inspiratory Patterned Response (Patt.R.) of longer duration which corresponded to the inspiratory on-switch. The Patt.R. generally appeared from the Prim.R. within a latent period (Silent Phase: Sil.P.) as long as 100 ms. On the expiratory laryngeal nerve, stimulation elicited a brief activation (expiratory Prim.R.) concomitant with the beginning of the inspiratory laryngeal Prim.R. and which rapidly stopped as the latter continued during the stimulus train. The inspiratory Prim.R. corresponded to a simultaneous activation of both early and late (so defined during their spontaneous discharge) inspiratory motoneurones. The laryngeal motoneurones were more strongly activated than the phrenic ones. During the inspiratory Patt.R. all the phrenic motoneurones presented a recruitment delay earlier, compared with the spontaneous one, whereas the recruitment drastically changed from an inspiratory laryngeal motoneurones to another. Thus, the two pools of motoneurones presented different properties of activation. During the inspiratory Sil.P. no concomitant expiratory laryngeal activation was observed when most of the inspiratory motoneurones were inactive. As some inspiratory laryngeal motoneurones did not stop firing, the existence of some central respiratory neurones exhibiting a similar persistent activity and subserving the inspiratory on-switch mechanisms may be hypothesized.


Exp Brain Res


Gauthier P,Monteau R,Hilaire G




Has Abstract


1984-01-01 00:00:00












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