Genomic insights into a robust gamma-aminobutyric acid-producer Lactobacillus brevis CD0817.


:Lactobacillus brevis CD0817, a strain isolated from a healthy adult gut, was currently the most efficient lactic acid bacterial cell factory for gamma-aminobutyric acid. In this study, the complete genome sequence of CD0817 was determined and compared with some related L. brevis genomes. The CD0817 genome consists of one 2,990,570-bp chromosome and four plasmids. The comparative genomic and phylogenetic analysis revealed that L. brevis CD0817 was not very conserved with low GABA-producing L. brevis strains. A significant divergence was that CD0817 harbors only the gadCA operon whereas the low GABA-producing L. brevis strains contain the operon and gadB. The gadB seemed to only marginally contribute to the accumulation of GABA. The high GABA production ability of CD0817 may be associated with its extraordinary genome.


AMB Express


AMB Express


Gao D,Chang K,Ding G,Wu H,Chen Y,Jia M,Liu X,Wang S,Jin Y,Pan H,Li H




Has Abstract


2019-05-24 00:00:00












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