68Ga-Labeled PSMA Uptake in Nonprostatic Malignancies: Has the Time Come to Remove "PS" From PSMA?


:PET/CT with Ga-labeled prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is increasingly recognized as the best imaging modality for disease staging and detection of recurrent prostate cancer. Despite its name, PSMA expression has been reported in a number of nonprostatic benign and malignant pathologies. Apparently, angioneogenesis is the mechanism attributed to increased Ga-PSMA uptake at these sites. Here we illustrate the utility of Ga-PSMA in 5 nonprostatic malignancies that could open up new possibilities for diagnostics and theranostic concepts with PSMA labeled radioligands in nonprostate tumor entities.


Clin Nucl Med


Malik D,Kumar R,Mittal BR,Singh H,Bhattacharya A,Singh SK




Has Abstract


2018-07-01 00:00:00












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