Effect of aclarubicin on contractile response of rat aorta.


:The effect of aclarubicin on vasocontractility was investigated using aortic strips isolated from rats. The aortic strips from rats injected i.p. with aclarubicin (4 mg/kg body weight per day for 5 consecutive days) showed diminished contractile responses to KCl and phenylephrine in comparison with the controls injected with 0.9% saline. In vitro preincubation of rat aorta with aclarubicin (20-80 micrograms/ml) attenuated the aortic contractile responses to KCl and phenylephrine compared with the control preincubated with 0.9% saline. These results suggest that aclarubicin reduces the contractility of vascular smooth muscle directly.


Eur J Pharmacol


Wakabayashi I,Hatake K,Kakishita E




Has Abstract


1989-08-11 00:00:00














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