Learning from a role model: A cascade or whirlpool effect?


BACKGROUND:Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Faculty Development (FD) courses have been designed in the expectation that a cascade effect will occur, consisting of a conveyance of information from the courses to clinical trainers to daily practice and/or to trainees by means of role modeling. PURPOSE:The aims of this study were to gain insight into factors that encourage clinical trainers to incorporate what they have learned in CPD/FD into their role model function and the factors that influence conveyance from master to apprentice. METHOD:We conducted a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews with GP trainers and their trainees. RESULTS:Twenty-four GP trainers who completed a CPD/FD course and sixteen of their trainees participated in the study. Analysis of their statements enabled the identification of factors that affect the amplification of the competences of clinical trainers and their awareness of being a role model, the applicability in training practice and conveyance to the trainee. CONCLUSIONS:As a result of interactions between the trainer, trainee and patient, it seems more accurate to represent the conveyance of competences from master to apprentice using the image of a whirlpool rather than a cascade, with the influential factors and interactions functioning as filters, causing a decline in the effectiveness of CPD/FD. Using the filters as a basis for turning-points for improvements around the whirlpool could increase the effectiveness of CPD/FD.


Med Teach


Medical teacher


Jochemsen-van der Leeuw HG,Buwalda N,Wieringa-De Waard M,Van Dijk N




Has Abstract


2015-05-01 00:00:00












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