The COX-2 selective blocker etodolac inhibits TNFα-induced apoptosis in isolated rabbit articular chondrocytes.


:Chondrocyte apoptosis contributes to the disruption of cartilage integrity in osteoarthritis (OA). Recently, we reported that activation of volume-sensitive Cl- current (ICl,vol) mediates cell shrinkage, triggering apoptosis in rabbit articular chondrocytes. A cyclooxygenase (COX) blocker is frequently used for the treatment of OA. In the present study, we examined in vitro effects of selective blockers of COX on the TNFα-induced activation of ICl,vol in rabbit chondrocytes using the patch-clamp technique. Exposure of isolated chondrocytes to TNFα resulted in an obvious increase in membrane Cl- conductance. The TNFα-evoked Cl- current exhibited electrophysiological and pharmacological properties similar to those of ICl,vol. Pretreatment of cells with selective COX-2 blocker etodolac markedly inhibited ICl,vol activation by TNFα as well as subsequent apoptotic events such as apoptotic cell volume decrease (AVD) and elevation of caspase-3/7 activity. In contrast, a COX-1 blocker had no effect on the decrease in cell volume or the increase in caspase-3/7 activity induced by TNFα. Thus, the COX-2-selective blocker had an inhibitory effect on TNFα-induced apoptotic events, which suggests that this drug would have efficacy for the treatment of OA.


Int J Mol Sci


Kumagai K,Kubo M,Imai S,Toyoda F,Maeda T,Okumura N,Matsuura H,Matsusue Y




Has Abstract


2013-09-30 00:00:00












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