Plasma lidocaine levels occurring with endotracheal administration during hemorrhagic shock.


:During the many emergency situations in which venous access is difficult or impossible, endotracheal drug administration is an effective alternative means of delivering life-saving medications. Shock is a commonly encountered emergency situation in which endotracheal drug therapy can and is often used. Yet whether a drug given endotracheally during shock can be absorbed from the lungs and pass into the bloodstream is not known. Forty-five sets of plasma lidocaine levels drawn at 5, 15, 30 and 60 min after the administration of endotracheal lidocaine at a dose of 2 or 4 mg/kg were obtained in dogs either in shock or in a normal control group: Group I = "Non-shock" or normal control, N = 27; Group II = "Shock", N = 18. Significantly higher plasma lidocaine levels occurred in the shock group in all time periods and with either dose of lidocaine (P less than 0.001). Mean plasma lidocaine levels (micrograms/ml) at 5 min were: (at 2 mg/kg dose) Group I = 1.1, Group II = 2.0; and (at 4 mg/kg dose) Group I = 2.3, and Group II = 5.1. The dose of lidocaine, the technique of administration, and the time at which the plasma lidocaine level was drawn as well as whether shock vs. non-shock was present were all highly significant factors (P less than 0.001) in determining plasma lidocaine levels. In summary: (1) endotracheal lidocaine is absorbed during shock and (2) higher plasma lidocaine levels occur during shock than during the non-shock control state. This suggests that the dosage of endotracheal medication may need to be adjusted for various clinical conditions such as shock.






Mace SE




Has Abstract


1990-06-01 00:00:00














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