Rapid alteration of the phosphoproteome in the moss Physcomitrella patens after cytokinin treatment.


:Cytokinin hormones are crucial regulators of a large number of processes in plant development. Recently, significant progress has been made toward the elucidation of the molecular details of cytokinin that has led to a model for signal transduction involving a phosphorylation cascade. However, the current knowledge of cytokinin action remains largely unknown and does not explain the different roles of this hormone. To gain further insights into this aspect of cytokinin action and the inducible phosphorelay, we have produced the first large-scale map of a phosphoproteome in the moss Physcomitrella patens. Using a protocol that we recently published (Heintz, D.; et al. Electrophoresis 2004, 25, 1149-1159) that combines IMAC, MALDI-TOF-MS, and LC-MS/MS, a total of 172 phosphopeptide sequences were obtained by a peptide de novo sequencing strategy. Specific P. patens EST and raw genomic databases were interrogated, and protein homology searches resulted in the identification of 112 proteins that were then classified into functional categories. In addition, the temporal dynamics of the phosphoproteome in response to cytokinin stimulation was studied at 2, 4, 6, and 15 min after hormone addition. We identified 13 proteins that were not previously known targets of cytokinin action. Among the responsive proteins, some were involved in metabolism, and several proteins of unknown function were also identified. We have mapped the time course of their activation in response to cytokinin and discussed their hypothetical biological significance. Deciphering these early induced phosphorylation events has shown that the cytokinin effect can be rapid (few minutes), and the duration of this effect can be variable. Also phosphorylation events can be differentially regulated. Taken together our proteomic study provides an enriched look of the multistep phosphorelay system mediating cytokinin response and suggests the existence of a multidirectional interaction between cytokinin and numerous other pathways.


J Proteome Res


Heintz D,Erxleben A,High AA,Wurtz V,Reski R,Van Dorsselaer A,Sarnighausen E




Has Abstract


2006-09-01 00:00:00












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