Efficacy of several concentrations of sodium hypochlorite for root canal irrigation.


:Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) has been recommended for irrigation during root canal preparation. This investigation used scanning electron microscopy to examine instrumented and uninstrumented surfaces in the middle third of root canals following the use of several concentrations of NaOCl (5.25%, 2.5%, 1.0%, and 0.5%). NaOCl was delivered with either an endodontic irrigation needle or an ultrasonic device. All of the concentrations of NaOCl with either delivery system were very effective in flushing out loose debris from the root canals. A smear layer with some exposed dentinal tubules was seen on all instrumented surfaces regardless of concentration of NaOCl or irrigation device. NaOCl in concentrations of 5.25%, 2.5%, and 1% completely removed pulpal remnants and predentin from the uninstrumented surfaces. Although 0.5% NaOCl removed the majority of pulpal remnants and predentin from the uninstrumented surfaces, it left some fibrils on the surface.


J Endod


Journal of endodontics


Baumgartner JC,Cuenin PR





Has Abstract


1992-12-01 00:00:00














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