Cell contraction caused by microtubule disruption is accompanied by shape changes and an increased elasticity measured by scanning acoustic microscopy.


:The state of crosslinking of microfilaments and the state of myosin-driven contraction are the main determinants of the mechanical properties of the cell cortex underneath the membrane, which is significant for the mechanism of shaping cells. Therefore, any change in the contractile state of the actomyosin network would alter the mechanical properties and finally result in shape changes. The relationship of microtubules to the mechanical properties of cells is still obscure. The main problem arises because disruption of microtubules enhances acto-myosin-driven contraction. This reaction and its impact on cell shape and elasticity have been investigated in single XTH-2 cells. Microtubule disruption was induced by colcemid, a polymerization inhibitor. The reaction was biphasic: a change in cell shape from a fried egg shape to a convex surface topography was accompanied by an increase in elastic stiffness of the cytoplasm, measured as longitudinal sound velocity revealed by scanning acoustic microscope. Elasticity increases in the cell periphery and reaches its peak after 30 min. Subsequently while the cytoplasm retracts from the periphery, longitudinal sound velocity (elasticity) decreases. Simultaneously, a two- to threefold increase of F-actin and alignment of stress fibers from the cell center to cell-cell junctions in dense cultures are induced, supposedly a consequence of the increased tension.


Cell Biochem Biophys


Karl I,Bereiter-Hahn J




Has Abstract


1998-01-01 00:00:00












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