No effect of extended home use on linking for sensory characteristics of reduced-fat foods.


:In order to assess whether and to what extent extended sensory exposure would modify liking for the sensory characteristics of specific reduced-fat food items, consumers were provided with unlabelled full- or reduced-fat (FF or RF) versions of two foods for home use over 12 weeks. Group 1 (n = 30) received unlabelled RF cheddar cheese and FF potato crisps, and group 2 (n = 26) received the alternative versions of these same products. Blind sensory tests on these plus a control item (savoury crackers) were carried out at weeks 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12. A control group (n = 23) participated only in sensory tests. The two versions of crisps did not substantially differ initially, and showed minimal changes in ratings over time. The cheeses differed more substantially in sensory quality, and there were a number of significant changes in pleasantness ratings and selected attribute ratings over time. However, these were largely similar for all groups and therefore not specifically related to the use of the specific products. Group 1 consumed less cheese than group 2, but consumption did not change over time. These data indicate that extended home use did not have any unique facilitating effect on sensory or hedonic responses to these RF foods and suggest that, in the absence of specific cognitive cues or an overall change in the sensory or nutritional composition of the diet, consumers do not exhibit any spontaneous change in liking for the sensory characteristics of RF versions of foods.






Mela DJ,Trunck F,Aaron JI




Has Abstract


1993-10-01 00:00:00














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