:With the ultramicroanalytical system described here we can measure glucose in 1 microL of plasma or serum. The sample is placed on a dry, multilayer film element (Eastman Kodak), where a colored spot about 3.5 mm in diameter develops. The reflectance of these spots is measured with a reflectance digital matrix photometer that was conceived, designed, and constructed in our laboratory. The spot is illuminated with monochromatic light and its image is projected by a camera lens onto the photosensitive surface of a linear photodiode array containing 512 individual photodetectors. The photodetector signals are processed by a computer to obtain the reflectance and diameter of the spot. The latter is proportional to sample volume. Because the reflectance of the spot does not depend greatly on sample volume, accurate pipetting is not required. The coefficients of variation of repeatable glucose analyses were, for 400, 3000, and 5120 mg/L, 1.7, 2.3, and 2.8%, respectively. The correlation coefficient (r) between glucose analyses by our method (y) and with the Ektachem 400 (x) was 0.9918; the regression equation was y = 1.07x - 94.3 mg/L.
Clin Chemjournal_title
Clinical chemistryauthors
Neeley WE,Zettner Asubject
Has Abstractpub_date
1983-12-01 00:00:00pages
杂志文章abstract:BACKGROUND:Specific gravity (SG) may perform as well as creatinine (CR) correction for adjusting urinary hormone concentrations, as well as offer some advantages. We compared the two methods and applied them to US and Bangladeshi specimens to evaluate their use in different populations. METHODS:Pearson correlations be...
journal_title:Clinical chemistry
pub_type: 杂志文章
更新日期:2004-05-01 00:00:00
abstract::We describe a rapid, sensitive, and specific "high performance" liquid chromatographic analysis for disopyramide and its mono-N-dealkylated metabolite in serum, urine, and saliva. We used a mu-Bondapak CN column and an acetate buffer mobile phase containing methanol. Retention times for the two compounds and the inter...
journal_title:Clinical chemistry
pub_type: 杂志文章
更新日期:1979-03-01 00:00:00
abstract::We describe a single-cuvette enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) based on enzymic rate kinetics. This kinetic assay can yield linear quantitative data on immunoglobin concentrations. Optimum assay conditions, component concentrations, reaction intervals, and pH are described. Assay linearity and sensitivity are ...
journal_title:Clinical chemistry
pub_type: 杂志文章
更新日期:1980-08-01 00:00:00
abstract::We measured immunoglobulins in the sera of 33 patients on days 1, 3, 6, 10, and 17 and three to four weeks after surgical operations (mostly hysterectomy or appendectomy) or (six patients) after spinal injury. In the absence of infection or blood transfusion, IgG usually decreased slightly and transiently after hyster...
journal_title:Clinical chemistry
pub_type: 杂志文章
更新日期:1975-05-01 00:00:00
abstract::This compendium represents what we believe to be the most current and reliable pharmacological data on anticonvulsant drugs. The information presented is derived from determinations of the drugs in plasma or serum by gas--liquid chromatography in studies of the efficacy of anti-epileptic agents. We present information...
journal_title:Clinical chemistry
pub_type: 杂志文章
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abstract::A fluorometric assay for free erythrocyte porphyrins (FEP) is described in detail, the direct test being used for the analysis of blood specimens collected with anticoagulants and the spot test for analysis of blood specimens collected on filter paper. A method for determining the amount of blood absorbed by different...
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journal_title:Clinical chemistry
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abstract::A method for determining platinum in biological materials by flameless atomic absorption spectrometry has been developed for use in pharmacological studies of platinum antitumor compounds. Tissue digests are analyzed in a heated graphite atomizer, with use of background correction and ramp temperature charring. We hav...
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abstract:BACKGROUND:The counting of leukocytes and erythrocytes in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is still performed microscopically, e.g., using a chamber in most laboratories. This requires sufficient practical experience, is time-consuming, and may constitute a problem in emergency diagnostics. Specific automated systems for CSF ...
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abstract::Backpropagation neural networks are a computer-based pattern-recognition method that has been applied to the interpretation of clinical data. Unlike rule-based pattern recognition, backpropagation networks learn by being repetitively trained with examples of the patterns to be differentiated. We describe and analyze t...
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abstract::We describe a fully automated method of analysis for plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine by use of a two-column system of "high-performance" liquid chromatography. Catecholamines in deproteinized plasma are purified on the first (preparation) column, then transferred automatically to the second (analytical) column i...
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