Thiophilic adsorption: a comparison of model protein behavior.


:A newly recognized type of protein-ligand interaction phenomenon has resulted in the preparation of simple, nonionic, and highly specific gel derivatives for selective adsorption chromatography. The essential structure of the immobilized ligand can be represented as agarose-CH2CH2SO2CH2CH2SCH2CH2OH, which was prepared by using mercaptoethanol to derivatize [0.9-1.0 mmol (g of dry gel)-1] divinyl sulfone activated agarose (thiophilic or T-gel). Proteins interacting with this ligand are provisionally termed "thiophilic" to recognize their affinity for the definitive sulfone-thioether constituents. To better understand the experimental variables affecting adsorption efficiency and selectivity, several well-characterized proteins with diverse physicochemical features have been evaluated for thiophilic properties. Thiophilic interaction chromatography was investigated as a function of pH as well as the type and concentration of water-structure-forming salts required to promote adsorption. The model proteins characterized varied distinctly in their individual thiophilic affinities. At acidic pH values, a salt-independent adsorption process was observed. Furthermore, a minimum in the salt-promoted thiophilic adsorption tendency at pH 5-6 was found, with varying magnitude, for each of the model proteins evaluated. Recovery of adsorbed proteins routinely varied from 90% to 100%. There does not appear as yet to be any easily recognized physicochemical property associated with either thiophilic or nonthiophilic behavior. These results suggest that thiophilic interaction chromatography is a process that utilizes a previously unrecognized protein-ligand interaction mechanism. We suggest that salt allows the protein into close proximity with the sulfone-thioether group where short-range forces are effective.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)






Hutchens TW,Porath J




Has Abstract


1987-11-03 00:00:00












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