Exploring potential proteins associated with cyclin B 3'UTR in Procambarus clarkii oocytes.


:Cyclin B is a ubiquitous regulatory molecule and has been implicated in mitosis and meiosis in oocytes. Phenomenon that differ in the length of cyclin B 3'UTR in crustacean has attracted much attention, although molecular details are poorly understood. The study of 3'UTR-interacting proteins could yield much information in translational regulation and the mRNA localization process. Previous studies on crayfish suggested that the 3'UTR (1300 bp) probably contains the potential regulatory sequence/motifs such as CPEs and K-box et al. In present study, using pull-down assay coupled with mass spectrometry approach allowing us to explore the potential proteins associated with the 3'UTR. We finally identified four candidate proteins including Hspg 2, Vtg, eef1a and Tuba1a, which annotated as significant roles involved in cell differentiation, lipid transporter activity, and meiotic cell cycle process. The preliminary results will contribute to the advance in understanding the translational activation of cyclin B in oocyte maturation regulation in crustacean.


Shui Y,Liu GF,Xu ZH,Zhu GY




Has Abstract


2019-09-24 00:00:00














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