The Clinical Nutrition Research Agenda in Indonesia and beyond: ecological strategy for food in health care delivery.


:Despite progress with the food-associated health agenda in the public health and clinical domains, much remains to be done in Indonesia. There are reasons to be optimistic which include economic development, increasing literacy, progress towards universal health coverage and community organizational arrangements across the archipelago which focus on health through some 10,000 puskesmas. These community health centres are variably staffed with voluntary cadres from the community, bidans (nurses) and general medical practitioners. For more effective prevention and management of nutritionally-related health problems, innovative community and clinical nutrition research and expertise is required. With rapid urbanisation, the growth of the digital economy, increasing socio-economic inequity and climate change, there are imperatives for ecologically sustainable, nonemployment dependent livelihoods which provide energy, food, water, education and health care security. A relevant health care workforce will include those who research and practice clinical nutrition. Here we gather together an account of an extensive body of published and emerging literature which makes a case collectively for a more ecological approach to nutrition and health and how it might revitalise the Indonesian and other health care systems.


Asia Pac J Clin Nutr


Lukito W,Wibowo L,Wahlqvist ML,Scientific Advisory Group.




Has Abstract


2017-06-01 00:00:00




Suppl 1








  • Abdominal adiposity and metabolic alterations in hypertension -a case control study.

    abstract::Indians are particularly susceptible to chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes and coronary heart disease. Several Western studies have documented the role of obesity, especially the role of regional adiposity, and associated metabolic aberrations in the aetiopathogenesis of these chronic diseases. However, ther...

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  • Defining obesity by body mass index in the Thai population: an epidemiologic study.

    abstract::The objective of this study was to develop cut-off values and evaluate the accuracy of body mass index (BMI) in the definition of obesity in the Thai population. A cross-sectional, epidemiologic study in 340 men and 507 women aged 50 +/- 16 yr (mean +/- SD; range: 20-84 yr), were sampled by stratified clustering sampl...

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  • Evidence for a prospective anti-osteoporosis effect of black tea (Camellia Sinensis) extract in a bilaterally ovariectomized rat model.

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  • The effect of cooking process on the total lipid and n-3 LC-PUFA contents of Australian Bass Strait scallops, Pecten fumatus.

    abstract::A total of twenty-three Australian Bass Strait scallops, Pecten fumatus processed by three different cooking methods: steam, battered and deep-fry, and pan-fry were analysed to determine the total lipid and health-benefiting n-3 PUFA contents. Fry process resulted in a significantly higher lipid content (p<0.05) with ...

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  • Ethical management of food systems: plant based diet as a holistic approach.

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  • Comparisons of proteomic profiles of whey protein between donor human milk collected earlier than 3 months and 6 months after delivery.

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  • Effect of iron supplementation on biochemical indices of iron status in selected pre-adolescent schoolgirls in North West Frontier Province, Pakistan.

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  • Impaired glucose tolerance among adolescents with low birth weight history: The Tanjungsari Cohort Study in Indonesia.

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  • Effects of skipping breakfast on dietary intake and circulating and urinary nutrients during pregnancy.

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  • Cholesterol lowering benefits of soy and linseed enriched foods.

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  • Consumption and sources of added sugar in Indonesia: a review.

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  • The issues in assessment and evaluation of diet in Asia.

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  • Assessing current nutritional status of patients with HCV-related liver cirrhosis in the compensated stage.

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