Physiological and pharmacological regulation of prostaglandin and leukotriene production by macrophages.


:The synthesis and secretion of prostaglandins and leukotrienes by mouse peritoneal macrophages is under several regulatory controls. Arachidonic acid must first be released from phospholipid stores by the action of phospholipases. Macrophages have the capacity to deacylate arachidonic acid directly from the SN2 position of phospholipids via the action of a phospholipase A2. In addition, these cells contain a phospholipase C capable of removing inositol-phosphate from phosphatidylinositol generating diacylglycerol. Another enzyme, diacylglycerol lipase is present to then generate arachidonic acid. The free arachidonic acid then enters the cyclooxygenase pathway to generate prostaglandins, the lipoxygenase pathway to generate leukotrienes or both pathways. The nature of the inflammatory stimulus added to these cells determines which of the above pathways become operative. Zymosan and the Ca++ ionophore, A23187 stimulate the synthesis of both prostaglandins and leukotrienes whereas phorbol myristate acetate and lipopolysaccharide induce only the synthesis of prostaglandins. In addition, the synthesis of these two products by macrophages can be regulated by certain antiinflammatory compounds. Indomethacin, aspirin, ibuprofen and benoxaprofen are only inhibitors of the prostaglandin pathway, whereas BW755C, 5,8,11-ETYA, NDGA and sulindac sulfide (high doses) are inhibitors of the synthesis of both prostaglandins and leukotrienes. Dapsone, an effective drug for leprosy, also inhibits the synthesis of both of these products.


J Leukoc Biol


Bonney RJ,Humes JL




Has Abstract


1984-01-01 00:00:00












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