Characteristics of saccades in human infants.


:Infants (14-151 days) and adults were shown two-dimensional geometric forms or stimuli from a set of highly textured patterns. Their eye movements were recorded by an infrared corneal reflection eye movement recorder as they freely scanned the stimuli. For both infants and adults, linear relationships were found between the peak velocities of fast eye movements and their amplitudes (main sequences). Infants viewing texture stimuli had main sequences with slopes comparable to those of adults. Infants viewing simple geometric forms made slower saccades. They also showed more eye movement oscillations which analyses showed were probably back-to-back saccades. Both the slower saccades and saccadic oscillations were attributed to factors related to the attentional value of the stimuli.


Vision Res


Vision research


Hainline L,Turkel J,Abramov I,Lemerise E,Harris CM




Has Abstract


1984-01-01 00:00:00














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