Ethno medicinal survey of plants used by the indigenes of Rivers State of Nigeria.


CONTEXT:The medicinal plants used in the traditional medicine of Rivers State of Nigeria were surveyed. OBJECTIVE:The survey aims to identify and document the plants used amongst the indigenes of Rivers State. MATERIALS AND METHODS:Semi-structured interviews were conducted during a field trip to gather information from traditional medical practitioners (TMPs) and community elders. RESULTS:Medicinal plant species (188) representing 169 genera and 82 families used in the ethno medicine of the people of Rivers State were recorded from 460 households. The most represented genera were Ipomoea and Citrus providing four species each. The most important species showed the highest Fidelity level (FL) value and these included Ageratum conyzoides L. (Asteraceae) (100%) and Tridax procumbens L. (Asteraceae) (100%). The most important categories of diseases were those that showed the highest Informant consensus factor (ICF) value of 0.99, such as dermal or digestive problems and fever/malaria. The most used plant part was leaves (42%), while decoction was the main method of drug preparation (36%). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION:The survey shows that more than half of the medicinal plants gathered in Rivers State are also used in other countries of the world for various ailments. The high values of ICF recorded indicate high degree of agreement among the informants, while the high FL values suggest the popular use of the plants. The survey provides a useful source of information for TMPs and medicinal plant researchers. These medicinal plants gathered may bring about drug discovery and may also be incorporated into the healthcare delivery system of the country.


Pharm Biol


Pharmaceutical biology


Ajibesin KK,Bala DN,Umoh UF




Has Abstract


2012-09-01 00:00:00












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