Impact of transport processes in the osmotic response of Corynebacterium glutamicum.


:Osmoregulation, the adaptation of cells to changes in the external osmolarity, is an important aspect of the bacterial stress response, in particular for a soil bacterium like Corynebacterium glutamicum. Consequently, this organism is equipped with several redundant systems for coping with both hyper- and hypoosmotic stress. For the adaptation to hypoosmotic stress C. glutamicum possesses at least three different mechanosensitive (MS) channels. To overcome hyperosmotic stress C. glutamicum accumulates so-called compatible solutes either by means of biosynthesis or by uptake. Uptake of compatible solutes is in general preferred to de novo synthesis because of lower energy costs. Noticeable, only secondary transporters belonging to the MHS (ProP) or the BCCT-family (BetP, EctP and LcoP) are involved in the uptake of proline, betaine and ectoine. In contrast to Escherichia coli or Bacillus subtilis no ABC-transporters were found catalyzing uptake of compatible solutes. BetP was one of the first examples of the growing group of osmosensory proteins to be analyzed in detail. This transporter is characterized, besides the catalytic activity of betaine uptake, by the ability to sense osmotic changes (osmosensing) and to respond to the extent of osmotic stress by adaptation of transport activity (osmoregulation). BetP detects hyperosmotic stress via an increase in the internal K(+) concentration following a hyperosmotic shift, and thus acts as a chemosensor.


J Biotechnol


Journal of biotechnology


Morbach S,Krämer R




Has Abstract


2003-09-04 00:00:00














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