Nucleolar localization of RPS19 protein in normal cells and mislocalization due to mutations in the nucleolar localization signals in 2 Diamond-Blackfan anemia patients: potential insights into pathophysiology.


:Ribosomal protein S19 (RPS19) is frequently mutated in Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA), a rare congenital hypoplastic anemia. Recent studies have shown that RPS19 expression decreases during terminal erythroid differentiation. Currently no information is available on the subcellular localization of normal RPS19 and the potential effects of various RPS19 mutations on cellular localization. In the present study, using wild-type and mutant RPS19 cDNA, we explored the subcellular distribution of normal and mutant proteins in a fibroblast cell line (Cos-7 cells). RPS19 was detected primarily in the nucleus, and more specifically in the nucleoli, where RPS19 colocalized with the nucleolar protein nucleolin. Using various N-terminal and C-terminal deletion constructs, we identified 2 nucleolar localization signals (NoSs) in RPS19: the first comprising amino acids Met1 to Arg16 in the NH2-terminus and the second comprising Gly120 to Asn142 in the COOH-terminus. Importantly, 2 mutations identified in DBA patients, Val15Phe and Gly127Gln, each of which localized to 1 of the 2 NoS, failed to localize RPS19 to the nucleolus. In addition to their mislocalization, there was a dramatic decrease in the expression of the 2 mutant proteins compared to the wild type. This decrease in protein expression was specific for the mutant RPS19, since expression of other proteins was normal. The present findings enable us to document the nucleolar localization signals in RPS19 and help define the phenotypic consequences of some mutations in RPS19 in DBA.






Da Costa L,Tchernia G,Gascard P,Lo A,Meerpohl J,Niemeyer C,Chasis JA,Fixler J,Mohandas N




Has Abstract


2003-06-15 00:00:00
















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