Highly sensitive cholesterol assay with enzymatic cycling applied to measurement of remnant lipoprotein-cholesterol in serum.


BACKGROUND:Remnant lipoprotein-cholesterol (RLP-C) concentrations in sera of healthy individuals are very low (0.080-0.437 mmol/L), making conventional cholesterol methods poorly suited to this purpose. We have developed a highly sensitive cholesterol assay (CD method) and applied it to the RLP-C assay. METHODS:The CD shuttled cholesterol reversibly between reduced and oxidized forms in the presence of thio-NAD and NADH. The production rate of thio-NADH correlated with the cholesterol concentration and was measured by the absorbance at 404/500 nm. This CD method was combined with an immunoaffinity separation procedure with specific monoclonal antibodies to apolipoprotein (apo) A1 and apo B-100 and used for RLP-C assay. Results were compared with a RLP-C method that uses cholesterol oxidase, peroxidase, and chromogenic substrate. RESULTS:The CD method could detect 0.10 x 10(-3) mmol/L cholesterol and was at least 5 times more sensitive than the conventional enzymatic method. Within- and between-day imprecision (as CVs) of the RLP-C assay with the CD method was <4%. Regression analysis of RLP-C assays with the new (y) and conventional (x) cholesterol methods yielded: y = 1.02x - 0.008 mmol/L (S(y/x) = 0.0065 mmol/L; r = 0.997; n = 297). CONCLUSIONS:Serum RLP-C can be measured by the CD method. The CD method may be useful for other assays that require sensitive cholesterol measurements in biological materials.


Clin Chem


Clinical chemistry


Kishi K,Ochiai K,Ohta Y,Uemura Y,Kanatani K,Nakajima K,Nakamura M


Has Abstract


2002-05-01 00:00:00












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