Anaesthesia for Sturge-Weber syndrome.


:A 6-month-old boy with Sturge-Weber syndrome was scheduled for congenital glaucoma and left buphthalmus surgery. Physical examination revealed haemangioma throughout the right trigeminal nerve, congenital glaucoma, left megalocornea and bilateral buphthalmus. Examination of the eye was performed under general anaesthesia, was followed 2 days later by trabeculotomy. No premedication was given to the patient. After induction of anaesthesia with halothane, O2 and N2O muscle relaxation was achieved with atracurium and he was intubated gently. No difference was observed in vital signs during surgery. At the end of the operation he was given oxygen 100% and extubated, muscle relaxant reversal was with atropine and neostigmine. No complication was observed in the post-operative period.


Eur J Anaesthesiol


Ceyhan A,Cakan T,Başar H,Bababalim M,Unal N




Has Abstract


1999-05-01 00:00:00












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