T cell receptor (V beta) bias in the response of rheumatoid arthritis synovial fluid T cells to connective tissue antigens.


:T cell receptor (V beta) use in the response to type II collagen and cartilage proteoglycans was analysed in peripheral blood and synovial fluid T cells from RA patients. T cells from RA patients with an immune response to connective tissue antigens, and paired PB and SF samples were stimulated in vitro with type II collagen, high density aggrecan proteoglycans (PG), and the T cell mitogen concanavalin A. After short term culture, mRNA was extracted from cells and a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction was performed, using primers specific for eight TCR V beta determinants. Blood cells stimulated with ConA generated strong bands with virtually all the V beta primers tested, but the TCR (V beta) expression by SF T cells stimulated with mitogen was biased, suggesting a selection process during joint infiltration. The V beta phenotypes of cells responding to PG was restricted in individual RA patients, but the pattern of V beta use in the the RA population was not consistent. In contrast, the V beta phenotypes of SF cells responding to CII was highly biased in both individual patients and the RA population, with V beta 14, V beta 17, and V beta 8 phenotypes predominant. We conclude that the T cell response to connective tissue antigens is restricted compared with mitogen stimulation, with the highest degree of TCR bias seen in the response of SF T cells to stimulation with type II collagen.


Scand J Rheumatol


Cuesta IA,Sud S,Song Z,Affholter JA,Karvonen RL,Fernández-Madrid F,Wooley PH




Has Abstract


1997-01-01 00:00:00












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