Unlike Its Paralog LEDGF/p75, HRP-2 Is Dispensable for MLL-R Leukemogenesis but Important for Leukemic Cell Survival.


:HDGF-related protein 2 (HRP-2) is a member of the Hepatoma-Derived Growth Factor-related protein family that harbors the structured PWWP and Integrase Binding Domain, known to associate with methylated histone tails or cellular and viral proteins, respectively. Interestingly, HRP-2 is a paralog of Lens Epithelium Derived Growth Factor p75 (LEDGF/p75), which is essential for MLL-rearranged (MLL-r) leukemia but dispensable for hematopoiesis. Sequel to these findings, we investigated the role of HRP-2 in hematopoiesis and MLL-r leukemia. Protein interactions were investigated by co-immunoprecipitation and validated using recombinant proteins in NMR. A systemic knockout mouse model was used to study normal hematopoiesis and MLL-ENL transformation upon the different HRP-2 genotypes. The role of HRP-2 in MLL-r and other leukemic, human cell lines was evaluated by lentiviral-mediated miRNA targeting HRP-2. We demonstrate that MLL and HRP-2 interact through a conserved interface, although this interaction proved less dependent on menin than the MLL-LEDGF/p75 interaction. The systemic HRP-2 knockout mice only revealed an increase in neutrophils in the peripheral blood, whereas the depletion of HRP-2 in leukemic cell lines and transformed primary murine cells resulted in reduced colony formation independently of MLL-rearrangements. In contrast, primary murine HRP-2 knockout cells were efficiently transformed by the MLL-ENL fusion, indicating that HRP-2, unlike LEDGF/p75, is dispensable for the transformation of MLL-ENL leukemogenesis but important for leukemic cell survival.






Van Belle S,El Ashkar S,Čermáková K,Matthijssens F,Goossens S,Canella A,Hodges CH,Christ F,De Rijck J,Van Vlierberghe P,Veverka V,Debyser Z




Has Abstract


2021-01-19 00:00:00












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