Inflammatory Bowel Disease in migrant populations - a narrative review.


BACKGROUND:The incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) continues to rise worldwide and despite the advances on pharmacotherapy, the etiopathogenesis of Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) remains underexplained. In this context, the migratory waves of the last decades created a challenging setting to analyze the evolution of IBD prevalence and to infer its triggering factors. OBJECTIVE:Our study aimed to overview the literature regarding IBD prevalence and phenotype in first- and secondgeneration migrants. METHODS:A non-systematic review was performed following electronic (PubMed and Web of Science) and manual searches on relevant topics. RESULTS:Overall, first-generation migrants tend to maintain the IBD risk of the native country. On the following generation, the risk tends to converge to that of the destination country. Earlier age at migration modulates IBD risk, suggesting that the degree of exposure to environmental and socio-economic factors can be decisive for disease progression. In general, CD needs more time to reach a disease burden similar to that of the host country, indicating that UC may be more affected by nongenetic factors and genetic-nongenetic interactions. CONCLUSION:IBD phenotypes and natural history vary in migrants and according to ethnicity; however, the trends are not consensual among cohorts. Further studies are warranted to analyze the effect of environmental risk factors in different ethnic groups, providing background to move towards identification of at-risk individuals, prevention and earlier diagnosis of IBD.


Curr Drug Targets


Current drug targets


Estevinho MM,Lopes DJM,Souto MT,Magro F




Has Abstract


2020-11-19 00:00:00








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