Glycosaminoglycans in cortical autopsy samples from Alzheimer brain.


:Each of the known classes of mammalian glycosaminoglycans, with the exception of keratan sulphate, was found in cerebral cortex samples from patients with Alzheimer-type dementia and age-matched controls. These molecules were quantitated, after electrophoresis and staining with Alcian Blue dye, by scanning densitometry. No significant differences were found between the mean levels of each of the above glycosaminoglycans in frontal cortex from patients with dementia compared with controls. An increase (26%; p less than 0.05) in the mean level of hyaluronate, but not of other glycosaminoglycans, was found in temporal cortex samples. On the other hand, the uronic acid content of hyaluronate degradation products following Streptomyces hyaluronidase treatment of brain glycosaminoglycans did not reveal any statistically significant changes in Alzheimer's disease. HPLC of disaccharide products from Arthrobacter chondroitinase AC digests did not reveal any significant changes in sulphate substitution of chondroitin sulphate in Alzheimer brain.


J Neurochem


Jenkins HG,Bachelard HS




Has Abstract


1988-11-01 00:00:00












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