Indomethacin for closure of patent ductus arteriosous in preterm neonates.


:Fifteen low birth weight premature infants with a diagnosis of PDA were administered 0·2 mg/kg of indomethacin orally, 3 doses at 12 hourly intervals. The results were compared with 18 prematures who were managed by fluid restriction (80-100 ml/kg/day) and decongestive therapy. Nine out of the 15 cases who received indomethacin met with the criteria of response, compared with only 2 out of 18 in whom there was spontaneous closure (P<0·01). Eleven of 15 cases who received indomethacin survived compared to only 6 of 18 in the control group (P<0·01). Overall mortality due to PDA alone was 58·9 per cent. Indomethacin when administered orally and sufficiently early, is safe and effective in closing PDA in premature infants. This modality of treatment is feasible in the Indian set up.


Indian J Pediatr


Nair PA,Karan S




Has Abstract


1986-07-01 00:00:00














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