:This paper describes a standardized assessment-procedure for the so-called "Gemeindepsychiatrische Verbünde" in Germany (GPV-Documentation), which are regional combines of community-based mental health care services. It is the first procedure in Germany which puts data on psychiatric care offers, needs for care and service utilization of all sectors and services in community-based mental health care into standardized measures, thus making offers and care of these services comparable. The procedure can be applied to the daily routine of catchment areas. From a methodical point of view the GPV-Documentation keeps a functional approach to community-based mental health care, but additionally it enables services to describe their specific contribution to regional care separately from others. Annual follow-ups make the GPV-Documentation an ideal tool for planning purposes, care management and quality assurance. Cross-regional comparisons of standards of care are possible. The implementation will also enhance the quality of governmental health reports on the care of chronically mentally ill in Germany remarkably.
Psychiatr Praxjournal_title
Psychiatrische Praxisauthors
Salize HJ,Bullenkamp J,Alscher I,Wolf Ikeywords:
Has Abstractpub_date
2000-03-01 00:00:00pages
杂志文章abstract:OBJECTIVE:Depression is a common comorbidity of chronic pain and chronic pain represents a common additional symptom of depressed patients. The physiological basis is unknown. METHODS:We investigated the possible interrelation between autonomic dysfunction and altered pain perception in unmedicated patients (U1), afte...
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