Motor function of infants with athetoid cerebral palsy.


:The motor function of 35 children with athetoid cerebral palsy was examined retrospectively using videotape recordings made at five to eight months of age. Many infants showed asymmetric tonic neck, Moro and Galant reflexes. Movements shown to be difficult included: keeping a symmetric supine posture, isolated movements of the hips and knees, forward extension of the upper extremity, extension of neck and trunk in the prone position and in ventral suspension, flexion of the neck in the traction response, and weight support by the upper extremities. Asymmetric or excessive opening of the mouth was present in all infants. The grade of difficulty for each posture and movement might reflect subsequent motor disability at three years of age.


Dev Med Child Neurol


Yokochi K,Shimabukuro S,Kodama M,Kodama K,Hosoe A




Has Abstract


1993-10-01 00:00:00












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