Suitability of autoclaved tap water for preparation of ELISA reagents and washing buffer.


:The suitability of autoclaved tap water for the preparation of ELISA reagents and washing buffer was compared with that of ultrapure water, in a standard indirect ELISA for the detection of antibodies to pseudorabies virus (PRV). The performance of the assay, using autoclaved tap water (AT-ELISA) compared favourably to that of the standard assay, using ultrapure water (UP-ELISA) in detecting anti-PRV antibodies in sequential serum samples from a pig experimentally infected with PRV. While both the UP-ELISA and AT-ELISA proved reliable in detecting anti-PRV antibodies in a coded proficiency serum panel (n = 60), the AT-ELISA detected fewer positive sera than the UP-ELISA in evaluating a limited number (n = 80) of field samples. The results suggest that autoclaved tap water may be substituted for ultrapure water for the preparation of ELISA reagents when or where ultrapure water may not be available.


J Virol Methods


Afshar A,Zhao X,Heckert RA,Trotter HC




Has Abstract


1994-02-01 00:00:00














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