Traditional healers' practices and the spread of HIV/AIDS in south eastern Nigeria.


:A 3-year (1997-1999) prospective study was carried out to evaluate the possible role of traditional healers (THs) in the spread of HIV/AIDS in south eastern Nigeria. Their patients' knowledge of HIV infection was also ascertained during the review period. Four contiguous states in south eastern Nigeria with high prevalent rates of HIV infection were chosen for the survey. Sixty-nine patients ofTHs were randomly selected and contacted from the patients' list of five selected THs in each state. Thus, a total of 20 THs and 69 patients formed subjects of the study. The study involved a face-to-face interview of the subjects by trained health personnel in each state using a prepared structured questionnaire. The questionnaire elicited information on their biodata, past/present medical history, social/family history, nature and mode of treatment received or administered, and their knowledge of HIV infection, where applicable. The results showed that there was a serious HIV/AIDS related risk inherent in the practices of Nigerian THs patronized by over 60% of the population. This was suggested by the continuous usage of unsterilized instruments and cross contamination with patients' blood and body fluid in their practices. It was further revealed that, the patients' HIV/AIDS related knowledge was poor (30%). Basic education on HIV/AIDS must be given to all groups in Nigeria including THs, their patients and general public. The World Health Organization and other agencies involved in the fight against HIV infection should focus on the safety of THs' practices as a possible mode of transmission of HIV infection in Africa. Unless this aspect is taken seriously along with other preventive strategies already adopted, the epidemic of the disease condition may continue to spread in Africa.


Trop Doct


Tropical doctor


Peters EJ,Immananagha KK,Essien OE,Ekott JU




Has Abstract


2004-04-01 00:00:00












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