Solution conformation of a cyclic neurokinin antagonist: a NMR and molecular dynamics study.


:The solution structure of a hexapeptide, cyclo (Gln-Trp-Phe-Gly-Leu-Met), which is a selective NK-2 antagonist, has been studied by a combination of two-dimensional nmr and molecular dynamics (MD) techniques. The simulation based on nmr and MD data resulted in the convergence to a family of structures. Free molecular dynamics for 50 ps in the presence of DMSO solvent molecules shows that the structure is energetically stable. One intramolecular hydrogen bond between the amide proton of Gln and the carbonyl oxygen of Gly was revealed. This result is consistent with the results from the measurement of the temperature coefficient of the amide protons. The extent of intermolecular hydrogen bonding between the amide protons of the peptide and DMSO was also revealed by the free MD simulation. The resulting structure of the cyclic peptide contains a variation type I' beta-turn in the Gly-Leu-Met-Gln segment. Comparison of the structure of this peptide with that of other NK-2 antagonist cyclic hexapeptides was made, and the activity of cyclic antagonists appears to be inversely related to the conformational rigidity of the cyclic peptides.






Zhang M,Quinn TP,Wong TC




Has Abstract


1994-09-01 00:00:00












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