Coronary atherosclerosis profile in patients with end-stage liver disease prior to liver transplantation due to alcoholic fatty liver: a coronary CTA study.


OBJECTIVES:To assess the coronary atherosclerosis profile by coronary computed tomography angiography (CTA) in patients with end-stage liver disease (ESLD) due to alcohol-related liver disease (ARLD) evaluated for liver transplantation (LT), in a retrospective matched case-controlled cohort study. METHODS:One hundred forty patients (age 60.6 years ± 9.8, 20.7% females) who underwent coronary CTA were included. Seventy patients with ESLD due to ARLD (ESLD-alc) were propensity score (1:1) matched for age, gender, and the major 5 cardiovascular risk factors with healthy controls. CTA analysis included the following: stenosis severity according to CAD-RADS as (0) = no, (1) minimal < 25%, (2) mild 25-50%, (3) moderate 50-70%, and (4) severe > 70% stenosis, total mixed plaque burden weighted for non-calcified component (G-score) and high-risk plaque criteria (Napkin-Ring, low attenuation plaque, spotty calcification, positive remodeling). RESULTS:Prevalence of coronary artery disease (CAD) was high (84.4%) in the ESLD-alc group but similar to controls. Stenosis severity was similar (CAD-RADS, 1.9 vs. 2.2, p = 0.289). High-grade stenosis (> 70%) was observed in 12.5% of ESLD-alc patients. High-risk plaques were less frequent in the ESLD-alc cohort as compared to controls (4.5% vs. 37.5%, p < 0.001), and total mixed plaque burden was lower (G-score, 4.9 versus 7.4, p = 0.001). Plaque density was lower in controls (56.6HU ± 3.2 vs. 91.3HU ± 4.5, p = 0.007) indicating more lipid-rich in controls, but higher mixed fibro-calcific plaque component in those with alcohol-related ESLD. CONCLUSION:Patients with alcohol-related ESLD exhibit more mixed fibro-calcified plaques but less plaque with high-risk features and less fibro-fatty plaque burden, while total CAD prevalence is high. KEY POINTS:• Patients with ESLD prior to LT have a high total prevalence of CAD and stenosis severity, which is similar to those of healthy controls with an identical cardiovascular risk profile. • Patients with ESLD prior to LT due to alcohol abuse have more calcific but less fibro-fatty plaque and less high-risk plaque. • CTA seems to be a useful imaging technique for risk stratification prior to LT.


Eur Radiol


European radiology


Steinkohl F,Barbieri F,Senoner T,Strobl S,Finkenstedt A,Plank F,Langer C,Beyer C,Birkl K,Widmann G,Zoller H,Dichtl W,Friedrich G,Tilg H,Feuchtner G




Has Abstract


2021-01-01 00:00:00














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