Dorsolateral striatal miR-134 modulates excessive methamphetamine intake in self-administering rats.


:Increasing evidence indicates that excessive drug consumption is sufficient for the transition from recreational and controlled drug use to uncontrolled use and addiction. However, the underlying mechanisms are debated. Some neurobehavioral and neuroimaging evidence indicates that dorsolateral striatum (dlStr)-dependent habit learning plays a key role in excessive drug intake and the transition to addiction, but little is known about the molecular events. The present study investigated whether dlStr miR-134, an important regulator of synaptic transmission and plasticity, is involved in excessive methamphetamine intake. We established excessive and uncontrolled methamphetamine self-administration model in rats by permitting animals extended access to drug (6 h/session/d, LgA group), whereas animals that were limited to access to drug (2 h/session/d, ShA group) exhibited low and controlled self-administration. miR-134 expression in dlStr was significantly increased and its target LIMK1 expression was decreased in the LgA group, but not in the ShA group, compared with the saline control group. However, passive methamphetamine exposure did not alter miR-134 and LIMK1 levels in dlStr. We also found that down-regulation of miR-134 in dlStr through local microinjection of a lentivirus carrying miR-134 sponge (LV-miR-134-Sil) significantly reduced methamphetamine infusions and excessive consumption in LgA group, rather than ShA group. These results indicated that dlStr miR-134, perhaps via its target LIMK1, contributed to excessive and uncontrolled methamphetamine intake, supporting the hypothesis that stimulus-response habit formation is an important mechanism underlying the transition from controlled drug use to uncontrolled drug use and addiction.


Metab Brain Dis


Metabolic brain disease


Shi JJ,Cao DN,Liu HF,Wang ZY,Lu GY,Wu N,Zhou WH,Li J




Has Abstract


2019-08-01 00:00:00














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