Role of brachytherapy in malignant melanoma: a preliminary report.


:From August 1979 to May 1986, various brachytherapy techniques were applied at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) in an adjuvant setting with/without surgery and external radiation therapy in the management of advanced malignant melanoma. Thirty-three patients underwent brachytherapy procedures. The patients' ages ranged from 35 to 82 years, with a median age of 56 years. Fourteen patients had disease localized to the implant site, whereas 19 patients also had disseminated disease elsewhere. The indications for implant were residual gross disease (21), microscopically positive margins (3), and histologically negative but clinically close margins of resection (9). Local control at the implant site was noted in 80% of patients at 6 months and 42% of patients at 1 year; two patients had reached 54 months and 72 months with no evidence of disease. Local control was 100% (9/9) in patients with histologically negative but clinically close margins of resection, and 48% (11/23) with microscopically positive margins and/or gross residual disease. Complications were seen as follows: delay in wound healing (1), wound infections (4), radiation enteritis (1), small bowel obstruction (1). The present study suggests that brachytherapy combined with surgery can achieve a good local control in patients with negative but clinically close margins of resection. In patients with gross residual disease who are at a high risk for local recurrence, approximately one-half can be locally controlled with this approach. These preliminary results should be tested in a prospective controlled study.


J Surg Oncol


Chadha M,Hilaris B,Nori D,Shiu MH,Anderson LL




Has Abstract


1990-04-01 00:00:00












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