Advanced care planning in adult congenital heart disease: Transitioning from repair to palliation and end-of-life care.


:As a result of advances in pediatric care, the majority of patients born with congenital heart disease (CHD) survive into adulthood [1]. Effective transfer and transition programs assure that patients with CHD remain in follow-up and receive continuous holistic care. Unfortunately, adult patients with CHD carry residual lesions and sequelae putting them at risk for premature death related to re-interventions or complications; most commonly heart failure and arrhythmia [2]. The scientific adult CHD (ACHD) community has been working hard to identify variables related to worse outcomes, modifying those where possible in order to improve survival. Indeed, survival in adults with CHD has increased, but consequently, on top of CHD-related complications, patients are increasingly exposed to the standard cardiovascular risk factors. Therefore, a program for lifelong coaching on health behavior and life style management becomes indispensable. More emerging is that a substantial number of patients, in particular those with complex heart defects, will eventually end up in a stage with hardly any medical or interventional options left. Our healthcare provision has to be prepared to organize care for this specific group of patients who will die prematurely and require the timely development and establishment of advanced care planning. Advanced care planning should preferentially be set-up in expert CHD centers. The long-lasting relationship in ACHD care with healthcare providers offers an excellent basis with regards to prognosis, advanced care planning and end-of-life issues.


Int J Cardiol


Troost E,Roggen L,Goossens E,Moons P,De Meester P,Van De Bruaene A,Budts W




Has Abstract


2019-03-15 00:00:00












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