Endogenous gibberellin transport and biosynthesis in relation to geotropic induction of excised sunflower shoot-tips.


:Surgical experiments on Helianthus annuus and Phaseolus multiflorus seedlings involving the application of auxin and gibberellin to decapitated plants, suggested that internode extension growth occurs under the controlling influence of apically synthesised gibberellin rather than auxin. Studies were made of diffusible gibberellins from sunflower apical buds in relation to geotropic stimulation. Approximately ten times as much gibberellin was obtained from lower than from upper tissues of horizontal shoot-tips, whereas approximately equal quantities were obtained from the two halves of upright tips. Evidence was obtained suggesting both lateral transport of gibberellin in the young internode, and also enhanced gibberellin synthesis in buds maintained in a horizontal position during the collection of diffusible gibberellins into agar. The results are discussed in relation to current concepts of the role of auxin in geotropism.






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Has Abstract


1972-09-01 00:00:00














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