Partum and postpartum characteristics on the postpartum rebreeding in beef cattle.


:The objective was to evaluate the influence of calving and postpartum characteristics, measured in different genetic predominance, on the postpartum rebreeding. Were evaluated 437 partum from cows that received feeding management consisting of a forage base of the native field and the mating season consisted of 90 days. The measurements were used from the data base (age of cow, genetic predominance, body weight, body condition score and date of calving) of the cows in the partum and postpartum period. The variables were submitted to analysis of multiple variances, multiple regression, correlation and cluster. Already the groups formed by cluster analysis were submitted to analysis of variance and F test and the means, compared by Student's t-test, α=0.05 probability. The increase in the mean at 0.14 points in the body condition score at calving and the occurrence of calving 9 days earlier at the calving season gives the Charolais genetically predominant cows repeat calves. The Nellore genetic predominance when they calved with similar body condition score (2.32 points) and showed a negative body weight gain at weaning (-3.0 kg and -2.1 kg) showed different behaviors, where they did not repeat the offspring, when they calved and weaned with smaller body weight.


An Acad Bras Cienc


Joner G,Alves Filho DC,Brondani IL,Borchate D,Klein JL,Domingues CC,Rodrigues LS,Machado DS




Has Abstract


2018-08-01 00:00:00




2 suppl 1










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