Trematodes from the Northern Lapwing, Vanellus vanellus (Charadriidae), from Central Germany.


:Seventy-five previously frozen Northern Lapwings, Vanellus vanellus (Linnaeus, 1758) were dissected and examined for trematodes. The available birds were euthanized after suffering severe injuries from a hail storm. Trematode specimens were found in the air sacs, body cavities and kidneys. They were cleared, stained in Alaun-Carmine and examined via light microscopy. Trematodes were assigned to two different families and three different species: Uvitellina vanelli and Selfcoelum sp. from the family Cyclocoelidae and Tanaisia valida of the family Eucotylidae. A prevalence of 12% (for both, Cyclocoelid and Eucotylid infections) was detected. While trematodes of the respiratory system have been discovered in V. vanellus before, the present study describes renal trematodiasis in this bird species for the first time. Furthermore, the first recovering of a trematode of the species Selfcoelum sp. in the Northern Lapwing is described. Full measurements and figures of trematodes are given. Criteria and critical points in specifying and recovering the parasites are discussed.


Parasitol Res


Parasitology research


Hintzen J,Thielebein J,Daugschies A,Schmäschke R




Has Abstract


2017-02-01 00:00:00














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