Model system based proteomics to understand the host response during bacterial infections.


:Infectious diseases caused by bacterial pathogens pose a major concern to public health and, thus, greater attention must be given to providing insightful knowledge on host-pathogen interactions. There are several theories addressing the dynamics of complex mechanisms of host-pathogen interactions. The availability of an ample number of universally accepted model systems, including vertebrates, invertebrates, and mammalian cells, provides in-depth transcriptomics data to evaluate these complex mechanisms during host-pathogen interactions. Recent model system based proteomic studies have addressed the issues related to human diseases by establishing the protein profile of model animals that closely resemble the environment. As a result, model system based proteomics has been widely accepted as a powerful and effective approach to understand the highly complex host-pathogen interfaces at their protein levels. This review offers a snapshot of the contributions of selective model systems on host-bacterial pathogen interactions through proteomic approaches.


Mol Biosyst


Molecular bioSystems


Kamaladevi A,Marudhupandiyan S,Balamurugan K




Has Abstract


2017-11-21 00:00:00












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