Executive function is associated with diabetes-specific disordered eating in young adults with type 1 diabetes.


OBJECTIVES:Disordered eating behavior in young adults with type 1 diabetes is overrepresented and associated with significant negative health consequences. Thus, determining the key correlates of these behaviors is essential. The aim of the present study was to determine the association between executive function and disordered eating in young adults with type 1 diabetes, relative to a control group without diabetes. METHODS:74 young adults with type 1 diabetes and 201 demographically similar control participants completed an online survey containing the Eating Disorders Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q), Diabetes Eating Problems Survey- Revised (DEPS-R), Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function- Adult version, Depression Anxiety and Stress Scales, and 3 subscales of the Family Environment Scale (independence, control, and cohesion). RESULTS:Hierarchical multiple regressions showed that lower executive function was associated with significantly greater disordered eating (as measured by the DEPS-R) over and above psychological and family functioning in the type 1 diabetes group (ΔR2 = 0.056, β = 0.366, p = .031). The same relationship was not found when disordered eating was measured by the EDE-Q in either the diabetes group (ΔR2 = 0.049, β = 0.342, p = .054), or the control group (ΔR2 = 0.010, β = 0.136, p = .100). CONCLUSIONS:Executive function may play a greater role in the development and/or maintenance of disordered eating in groups with type 1 diabetes relative to those without. This relationship may contribute to the over-representation of eating problems in this clinical group, and may represent a target for prevention or intervention.


J Psychosom Res


Broadley MM,White MJ,Andrew B




Has Abstract


2018-08-01 00:00:00












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