Efficacy of sugammadex in rocuronium-induced or antibiotic-induced anaphylaxis. A case-control study.


:We report 13 cases of presumed rocuronium-induced anaphylaxis in which sugammadex was administered with the intention of reversing the immunological reaction. Of these 13 cases, eight (62%) were later confirmed to be type-1 hypersensitivity reactions to rocuronium, three (23%) were triggered by an antibiotic and two (15%) were non-immunologically mediated. Response to treatment was scored by the treating anaesthetist, and compared with haemodynamic and inotrope measurements from the resuscitation and anaesthetic records. Haemodynamic improvement was seen in only six (46%) cases, three of which were associated with a non-rocuronium trigger. Of the three cases in which the treating anaesthetist thought that sugammadex had been beneficial, one was not caused by rocuronium, one had no improvement in blood pressure and one required 8.5 times as much adrenaline in boluses after, compared with the period before, sugammadex administration. These data suggest that sugammadex does not modify the clinical course of a suspected hypersensitivity reaction.






Platt PR,Clarke RC,Johnson GH,Sadleir PH




Has Abstract


2015-11-01 00:00:00












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